Things got a bit messy at the 2d Christmas party. |
Live from Culture Techs
Zombie Night, this episode of the 2dcast is an undead special as
Bobby and Ciaran are joined by Kevin Louge and Danny Mc Crossan from
Uproar Comics , and local horror writer James Leckey to discuss the
finer points of zombie fiction whilst dressed in full zombie make-up
as Ving Rhames blows away walking corpses in the background. In
celebration of our tenth episode we present two treats . Firstly we
have the first of this years 2d Festival panels . Our broadcast
colleague Chris Thompson chairs a discussion on Zombie comics
featuring Marvels Declan Shalvey , Walking Dead artist Charlie
Adlard , Chris Ryall of IDW , Team Uproar , and the esteemed Mr Tony
Lee. Secondly we have a veritable bounty of undead goodies to give
away. In order to win a complete run of Zombies Hi signed by the
creative team, a print of the cover Zombies Hi # 6 signed by artist (
and 2d top dog )David Campbell , and a bunch of 2d stuff just answer
the ( admittedly lame) question posed during the body of the podcast.
Send your answers to
Due to the late evening
nature of the recording this is only SEMI SAFE FOR WORK
Big developments afoot
for the 2dcast , we thank you for your support and ask you to share
this on your social media.