Sunday, 12 July 2009

War Journal : Masons Comedy Club 4/6/09

Me doing stupid voices.

This one was a bit crazy. The harsh financial reality of our impending Fringe trip had begun to set in and it became very obvious that we needed to make a shit load of money on this one or else we were gonna be up cack alley. As a result of this i was absolutely shitting myself for a few days before hand. The acts had all agreed to perform for free, and Masons were behind us , so i don't know what exactly it was i was worried about , i just knew i was worried. Basically we all needed a shit load of people to turn up.
When people talk about a picture being worth a thousand words they mean this picture

As it turned out we needn't have worried about it . All the acts were awesome , in particular new friend of the Concept Shane Todd, and the crowd was massive, so large in fact that i was reminded of the days when DR Page would stand behind the curtian and ask " who are you people ?" over and over again. Our set went quite well, although I felt there was an awful lot me doing stupid voices. There were a couple of sketches that i felt flat out did not work ( propaganda) , but overall the set goes well. Sorcha stole the show with her monologue. FUCKING BITCH. Post show activities inclue the usual drunken madness , with the strabane contingent in particular doing themselcves proud. A good time was had by most.

Two more satisfied customers seeking shelter neath the Freebirds wing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahoy there old chap. Just discovered this blog and had a quick read - keep up the good work, but do cut back on the shite.

Only joshing, quite enjoyed myself, actually ...

Unlikely that you'll read this afore ye get back from the fringe, so i hope things went / are going / will go well (delete as appropriate)
