Monday, 23 February 2009
Verbal Magazine Reviews : Dungeon Of Death By Scott Keith
Dungeon of Death: Chris Benoit and the Hart Family Curse.
Scott Keith
Citadel Press Books.
On June 24th 2007 the pseudo sport/ panto of professional wrestling experienced what would become its most famous mainstream moment as the man known as the “Canadian Crippler “ Chris Benoit suffocated his wife and son, and then took his own life in a similarly grizzly fashion. In the aftermath of this tragedy well known internet commentator and author Scott Keith has taken a long hard look at the reasons behind the bizarre murder suicide and made some fairly frightening discoveries about the lifestyles, attitudes and ( shorter than you would imagine) life expectancies of the men and women involved in the carnival world.
The findings of these essay are nothing new to hardcore wrestling fans, but to the average punter the figures (between 50 and 100 wrestlers under the age of 40 have died as a direct result of wrestling and the drug culture associated with it), will come as quite a shock as will the risks and sacrifices these alleged “kids entertainers” have to go through to achieve success in their chosen field. Author Scott Keith has laid out the pertinent stories in a compact and easy to read fashion, that at the very least makes sure that the difficult to digest horror stories contained within are dished out in bite sized chunks .It all seems a far cry from the make believe world of Hulk Hogan, Big Daddy and the Rock. Recommended.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
It's about fucking time.......
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Nice to see i'm not alone.
Charlie Brooker is right about everything!!!!!!
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Crap Christmas Songs: I Wish It Could Be A Wombeling Merry Christmas Every Day
Clearly someone thought it would be a great idea to take two Christmas classics: The Wombles, and Roy Wood ( out of Wizard) and cross breed them. Presumably someone fed all the facets of Christmas into a super-computer and this came out. What results is a song that is hauntingly familiar, and absolutely unlistenable. Total Bollocks
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Unedited reviews: Verbal issue 21
Pentti & Deathgirl
Emma Rendel
The book is split into two parts. ‘Pentti’ is the story of two Finnish brothers and their reactions to a homosexual couple that moves in next door to them violence, anger and repression). Deathgirls Diary is the story of a lonely and friendless girl and her obsessions with stabbing beheading strangling and poisoning. So, it’s a barrel of fun all around then. The stories are threadbare and hateful and I found the artwork at times to be nauseating. This book made my head hurt.
This book is so bad that it actually hurts the reader’s feelings.
Aya of Yop City (Hardcover)
By Marguerite Abouet (Author), Clement Oubrerie (Illustrator)
Jonathan Cape Ltd (
I received the first volume of Aya about a year ago. I read it, put it to one side, and paid it no heed. Or so I thought. Upon receiving volume 2, I realized that I remembered every plotline character and situation. I enjoyed reading this so much I immediately went back and read the first.
The Aya Series tells the story of the titular teenage girl and her friends, family and life in the
The key to its success is twofold: Firstly is the beautiful art. In sharp contrast to the books mentioned above this is a real pleasure to look at , being at the same time cartoonish and realistic. The characters and in particular the cities and villages are drawn in such a striking fashion that its very easy to loose yourself in some of the more detailed pictures .
French artist Oubrerie has done a fine job in making the city one of the characters in the book, as much as any of the human protagonists.
Secondly is the laid back tone of the writing. Like the dialogue from an episode of Desmonds the words and accent are both strange and at the same time reassuringly familiar and comforting. The major events are simple( a new baby, a beuty contest, a mysterious stranger in town) yet gripping , my only gripe is that it ends on a cliffhanger.
I cant wait for volume 3
Dawn Of The Dumb
Charlie Brooker
As a 30 year old Curmudugeon with a chip on my shoulder and a hatred for mainstream television, I don’t often get the opportunity to have my prejudices reinforced. Three cheers then for Charlie Brooker,Host of ScreenWipe and the Guardian TV reviwer whose Screen Burn columns have been neatly collected in two volumes. The latest of these Dawn Of The Dumb is so funny that if you don’t laugh out loud at least three times when reading it , I will personally give you ten British Pounds. For real.
Im serious.
Three thumbs up.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Reviews from Verbal Issue 20 ( uncensored)
Kelly’s Heroes
Kelly: A Memoir
by Gerry Kelly with Don Anderson
(Gill and Macmillan)
A book that’s better on the show, than on the man himself. An opportunity missed,says Ciaran Flanagan.
Here’s a secret that UTV and BBC Northern
Ireland don’t want you to know, but that I
feel is my duty to get out there. Every single
television programme ever produced in the
province of Ulster has been produced by
using an ancient magical Celtic formula that
Verbal Magazine can now reveal to you - the
reading public.
What you do is take the phrase “Northern
Irish Version of….”, and then just add the
name of an existing television programme
at the end. (The only exception to this is
Give My Head Peace - a programme so
baffling that it defies analysis of any kind).
Go on, try it. Talkback (Question Time).
Town Challenge (It’s a Knockout). Suss
(Crackerjack). Dry Your Eyes (Little Britain)
and of, course Kelly. It would be very easy
of me to say that, clearly, some chancer at
UTV saw The Late Late Show in 1989 and
thought “I’m having me some of that.”, but
that would do the man (and the show) a
disservice. Over nearly 20 years the Friday
night chat show has become a staple for
many thousands of viewers. The Kelly Show
is an Institution. But, then again so is Long Kesh.
Anyone expecting an in depth look at the
man himself had better look elsewhere.
Kelly deals largely with the show’s more
than 15 year run on Friday nights, looking at
his life before that only very briefly. It talks
about early hardships (alcoholic father,
mother working all the hours God sent, etc.)
and gives some details of how the talk show
came to be; starting with his initial primary
school teaching career and his early
broadcasting work presenting Good Evening
Ulster alongside Gloria Hunniford – which,
curiously, came about as a result of a case
of mistaken identity. And that’s about it
After that its all about the show, and if you
like the show - great! If you don’t like the
show this will be a little more arduous. A
show like Kelly lives or dies based on the
quality of its guests, and unfortunately, for
every Shirley Bassey or Garth Brooks, there
are a dozen Big Brother contestants or soap
opera cast offs. I once saw an interview with Sid Little( of Little and Large fame), so boring and unfunny , that i went blind out of contempt.
Gerry does defend his position in the
book and to be fair his reasoning (cost,
and availability) does ring true. There is
some mild excitement in the form of bomb
scares and death threats but nothing world
shattering. In short: this is a book about
the Kelly Show, and if you are a fan of the
show, then you’ll be a fan of the man and
his book. If you have something better ( im sorry ,had) to do on a friday night. Look elsewhere.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
A Thanksgiving Treat.
Also at the 1.34 mark ROBOCOP~! appears from nowhere , pulls a lever and then fucks off without saying a word.
Happy Native massacre and land steal day America