Sunday, 12 June 2011

Zwanna UPDATE. !!!!

Spent the whole weekend thinking about Zwanna Son of Zulu, and more specifically what had become of his creator and Zwanna cosplyer Nabil Hage. Well, after some cursory investigations i found his high school profile here

Class of: 83

Name At ACS: Nabile Hage
Current Name: Nabile Hage

Marital Status: single

At ACS From: 1970 to 1983

Address: Monrovia, Liberia
City: Monrovia
State: Liberia
Zip: Africa
Country: I said Liberia!

Phone Number: 231-228032


Occupation: Business Executive
Company: The Hage Enterprises, Inc.
Company Web Site:
Enter Nabile Hage

Biography: Well, I served ten years in the US Army, Airborne Ranger, Infantry and other leathal stuff before comming back to Liberia.I graduated 1989 from the Norfolk State University with a BS in Business Management, SCL. I am one of those instrumental in creating the Black Superhero in Comics and movies explosion of the 90's which will take off this decade. Watch out!! I am the owner/creator of superheroes Zwanna, Son of Zulu and The Motorbike Puppies. I realy miss my friends at ACS because now that I am back in Liberia, all those who graduated from or attended the Liberian schools have people they can relate to (in terms of skool daze. We ASC'ers are scattered all accross the globe. I would welcome contact with those who knew me.

Three things:

1. he states that "I am one of those instrumental in creating the Black Superhero in Comics and movies explosion of the 90's which will take off this decade". Good luck with that Nabil

"I am the owner/creator of superheroes Zwanna, Son of Zulu and The Motorbike Puppies."
exactly what is a Motorbike Puppy , and where can i find these ?

3. His company website ?


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